Saturday 24 December 2016


Learn to ignore and overlook many things if you truly want happiness in life  because the easiest way to a miserable life is to think that everybody is talking about you.

Never allow anyone to steal your joy from you.

What people say behind your back is none of your business as long as you are true to yourself. Never worry yourself about that.

Sometimes minding your own business does not keep people out of your business.

No matter your situation in life people will always talk. You can never stop people from talking about you, what you can do is to stop giving them what to talk about.

There is a time limit for every rumor in life. Never allow freelance broadcasters put your life on hold. Do what makes you happy. Anyone who cannot feel your pain, has no right to judge you in life. Seventy percent of those who talk bad about you behind your back, wish to be like you.

When people can't be like you they try to bring you down and condemn what you have. Those without money will sarcastically say money is not everything in life. (Is poverty anything?)

Never allow anyone to put you in a position of depression and self pity in life. Those whose life has no joy will always find every means to remove happiness from other people's life.

If there is the GRACE of GOD in your life, then enemies are inevitable. If no one has ever gossiped or talked bad about you, it means nothing good has ever happened to you.

Never feel bad when old friends become new enemies. They are just tired of pretending to be friends.

Never allow the opinions of people who didn't see your tears stop your laughter in life. You don't owe anybody an explanation to be happy.

Never see yourself through the eyes of those who don't value you.
To be beautiful means to be yourself. To stand out is to be out-standing. You do not need to be accepted by others. You just need to accept yourself.

Never beg anyone to accept you for who you are. Anything you acquire through begging will require begging to maintain or retain.

Be humble but selective. Being selective doesn't mean you are arrogant or proud. It simply means you know your worth. If you are conscious of your personality avoid too much familiarity.

Sometimes when you treat people too much like celebrities, they end up treating you like an ordinary person. You are equally important.

Never downgrade yourself while trying to upgrade anybody in life. Anyone who sees you like an option doesn't deserve to be a priority in your life.

The dream of a fool is for everybody to become a bloody fool like himself.  Avoid negative people if you have a dream. Those without mission will say your vision is just an illusion.

Negative minds will never give you a positive life. Anyone who is always reminding you about what is wrong with you has a personal problem which he/she wants to take out on you.

Most people spend half of their entire life analysing the faults in other people's life, when their own lives need urgent repairs.

Never worry yourself about enemies and friends, because everybody in your life will eventually fall into one of the two categories.

Some will hate you and some will love you. Loving you or hating you are both in your favour. When people love you, you live peacefully and happily in their hearts,  and when people hate you, you become the landlord in their head living painfully in their brain everyday and giving them sleepless nights.

Wednesday 21 December 2016



A lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against, among other things, fire.

Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great Cigars and without yet having made even his first premium payment on the policy the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost "in a series of small fires."

The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason, that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.

The lawyer sued...and WON! (Stay with me.)

Delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The judge stated nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company, which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be unacceptable fire" and was obligated to Pay the claim.

Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the Insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the cigars lost in the "fires".


After the lawyer cashed the cheque, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON!!! With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine.

This is a true story and was the First Place winner in the recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest.


Sunday 11 December 2016


I think we lost because our time was simply up, and no amount of deceptive campaign promises could keep us in power. No amount of monopolization of the media space could save us. No amount of money could stop our defeat. No amount of local and international celebrity endorsements could help us. And no amount of vote buying could stand the irresistible hurricane of change that shook our nation on Wednesday.

I will urge my party members to stop the “blamestorming” that has started so that we brainstorm on how to get ourselves out of the mess we have put ourselves in. The future of our great party looks gloomy and we have to start work on how to get ourselves out of what appears like an eternal stay in opposition. In life, when you are hit by the subduing blow of misfortune, you have two options. You can allow that blow to crush you. You can also move on with the enormous lessons such misfortunes often present. I cannot immediately tell my next move in life, politics and my role in our great party. But if I should ever make a comeback to politics, the lessons I have learnt from our defeat should serve as the moral code which will guide how I guide myself.

I have learnt that the Ghanaian voter, though mainly uneducated and simple, is more sophisticated than we thought. I have learnt that it is unacceptable for the people to loot, hoard and splash during elections.

I have learnt that the calls of the noisy minority cannot be ignored because they largely shape the opinions of the silent minority, who we politicians exploit for our selfish gain. I have learnt that not all those who criticised us hated us. Sometimes the best way to express your love for someone is to be critical of their actions. If I should ever return, I will not display a “dead-goat syndrome” towards disaffection of the masses.

When those who opposed us cried foul, we retorted, “Hate can’t win.” Tonight, however, I am the first to admit that some hate can win. This election has taught me that the hate of corruption can win. It has taught me that hate of incompetence can win. Our defeat has taught me that hate of impunity can win. I have learnt that the hate of the obscene display of ill-gotten opulence wins. I have learnt that hate of mediocrity and deception definitely wins. And I have learnt that hating evil will forever triumph over the love of evil. That was what happened on Wednesday.

Another important lesson I have learnt from this defeat is that the success or failure of a leader depends on the kind of people he or she surrounds themselves with. While Rawlings appointed the likes of Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas as deputy ministers, I made the mistake of giving that respectable position to the likes of John Oti Bless. I have now realised, rather too late, that if I had kept the likes of Ben Dotsei Malor and Dr. Raymond Atuguba around me, they would have injected some semblance of sanity into the Presidency and given that high office an aura of respectability and decency. The praise-singing sycophants who act on the dictates of their stomachs are only specialized at telling you what you want to hear. Unfortunately, I did not listen to voices of reason. Our elders say a disease that will kill a man first breaks sticks into his ears.

Friday 9 December 2016


.....Billy Graham is now 92 years old with Parkinson's disease.

In January, leaders in Charlotte, North Carolina invited their favorite son, Billy Graham, to a luncheon in his honor.

Billy initially hesitated to accept the invitation because he struggles with Parkinson's disease. But the Charlotte leaders said, 'We don't expect a major address. Just come and let us honor you.' So he agreed.

After wonderful things were said about him, Dr. Graham stepped to the rostrum, looked at the crowd, and said,

"I'm reminded today of Albert Einstein, the great physicist who this month has been honored by Time Magazine as the "Man of the Century".

Einstein was once traveling from Princeton on a train when the conductor came down the aisle, punching the tickets of every
passenger. When he came to Einstein, Einstein reached in his vest pocket. He couldn't find his ticket, so he reached in his trouser pockets. It wasn't there.

He looked in his briefcase but couldn't find it. Then he looked in the seat beside him. He still couldn't find it.

The conductor said, "Dr. Einstein, I know who you are. We all know who you are. I'm sure you bought a ticket. Don't worry about it."

Einstein nodded appreciatively. The conductor continued down the aisle punching tickets. As he was ready to move to the next car, he turned around and saw the great physicist down on his hands and knees looking under his seat for his ticket.

The conductor rushed back and said, "Dr. Einstein, Dr. Einstein, don't worry, I know who you are; no problem. You don't need a ticket. I'm sure you bought one."

Einstein looked at him and said, "Young man, I too know who I am. What I don't know is where I'm going."�

Having said that Billy Graham continued, "See the suit I'm wearing? It's a brand new suit. My children, and my grandchildren are telling me I've gotten a little slovenly in my old age. I used to be a bit more fastidious. So I went out and bought a new suit for this luncheon and one more occasion. You know what that occasion is? This is the suit in which I'll be buried. But when you hear I'm dead, I don't want you to immediately remember the suit I'm wearing. I want you to remember this:

*I not only know who I am. I also know where I'm going."*

May your troubles be less, your blessings more, and may nothing but happiness, come through your door.

"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."

And may each of us have lived our lives so that when our ticket is punched we don't have to worry about where we are going.

You have been blessed. So don't loose the blessing. This piece is worth sharing. We all need to know where we are going.

Thursday 8 December 2016


• A man is born today, Tomorrow he is dead.

• A man lives in a mansion today, Tomorrow he lives underground.

• A man drives a car today, Tomorrow an ambulance drives him.

• A man reads biology today, Tomorrow a biography is being read of him.

• A man eats whatever he wants today, Tomorrow he becomes food for the maggots.

• A man is always early for work today, Tomorrow he is termed late Mr/Mrs.

• A man is seen resting in his house today, Tomorrow he is resting in a coffin. And they say "Rest In Peace"!

• A man eats all kinds of fruits in his house today, Tomorrow he becomes manure to the trees.

• A man is known today as the richest man ever, Tomorrow he doesn't even know where or what will happen to his riches.

What is life after all?
Whatever you are enjoying now is temporal, your Eternity begin after death.

Give your life to Jesus today and guarantee your eternity.

Share this simple message, it is a MUST that you evangelize, this is the greatest Commission.


1. Matthew
Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, Killed by a sword wound.

2. Mark
Died in Alexandria, Egypt , after being dragged by Horses through the streets until he was dead.

3. Luke
Was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous Preaching to the lost.

4. John
Faced martyrdom when he was boiled in huge Basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution In Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered From death.
John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison Island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelation on Patmos . The apostle John was later freed and returned to serve As Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey . He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully

5. Peter
He was crucified upside down on an x-shaped cross.
According to church tradition it was because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die In the same way that Jesus Christ had died.

6. James
The leader of the church in Jerusalem , was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. When they discovered that he survived the fall, his
enemies beat James to death with a fuller's club.
* This was the same pinnacle where Satan had taken Jesus during the Temptation.

7. James the Son of Zebedee,
was a fisherman by trade when Jesus Called him to a lifetime of ministry. As a strong leader of the church, James was   beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial. Later, the officer Walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and Knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.

8. Bartholomew
Also known as Nathaniel Was a missionary to Asia. He witnessed for our Lord in present day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia where he was flayed to death by a whip.

9. Andrew
Was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Patras, Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony. His followers reported that, when he was led toward the cross, Andrew saluted it in these words: 'I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the body of Christ hanging on it.' He continued to preach to his tormentors For two days until he expired.

10. Thomas
Was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his missionary trips to establish the church in the Sub-continent.

11. Jude
Was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.

12. Matthias
The apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas Iscariot, was stoned and then beheaded.

13. Paul
Was tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment, which allowed him to write his many
epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught many of the foundational Doctrines of Christianity, form a large portion of the New Testament.

Perhaps this is a reminder to us that our sufferings here are indeed minor compared to the intense persecution and cold cruelty faced by the apostles and disciples during their times For the sake of the Faith. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: But he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Pass on to encourage other Christians
Why Do we feel sleepy in Prayer,
But stay awake through a 3 hour movie?
Why are we so bored when we look at the HOLY BOOK,
But find it easy to read other books?
Why is it so easy to ignore a msg about God,
Yet we forward the nasty ones?
Why are Prayers getting smaller,
But bars and clubs are expanding
Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity,
But very difficult to engage with God?
Think about it, are you going to forward this?
Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you will get laughed at?
Forward this to all your friends.
80% of you won't forward this.
God  said:
If you deny me in front of your
friends, I will deny you on the day of judgment:

Tuesday 6 December 2016


Beautiful Poem...
(Author Unknown)

      Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful woman
      and wished I were as beautiful.
      When suddenly she rose to leave,
      I saw her hobble down the aisle.
      She had one leg and used a crutch.
      But as she passed, she passed a smile.
      Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
      I have two legs; the world is mine.

      I stopped to buy some candy.
      The lad who sold it had such charm.
      I talked with him, he seemed so glad.
      If I were late, it'd do no harm.
      And as I left, he said to me,
      "I thank you, you've been so kind.
      It's nice to talk with folks like you.
      You see," he said, "I'm blind."
      Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
      I have two eyes; the world is mine.

      Later while walking down the street,
      I saw a child I knew.
      He stood and watched the others play,
      but he did not know what to do.
      I stopped a moment and then I said,
      Why don't you join them dear?"
      He looked ahead without a word.
      I forgot, he couldn't hear.
      Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
      I have two ears; the world is mine.

      With feet to take me where I'd go,
      With eyes to see the sunset's glow,
      With ears to hear what I'd know,
      Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
      I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine.

_If this poem makes you feel thankful, just forward it to your friends. After all, it's just a simple reminder that we have so much to be thankful for! Give the gift of love. It never comes back empty!_

I have been truly blessed with some very beautiful people in my life. And this comes as a token of thanks!��

Monday 5 December 2016

Being Humble

Nothing in life is worth fighting for. Your best clothes is someone's rag, your account balance is someone's donation at a function, your girl friend/boy friend or fiance/fiancee' is someone's Ex. Every single prostitute you see in a hotel or on the street at night was at some point in time a virgin. So what is the squabble all about? Life is too short and small to feel bigger or better than anybody. "We're all naked to death" says Steve Jobs.  "Nothing can save us from it". I hate to see people who brag about wealth, beauty, intelligence, level of education, fame and material possessions. There's nothing you've achieved in life that no one else has never gotten. The office you occupy today was occupied by someone yesterday and will be occupied by another person tomorrow. You don't know whom that person might be. There's only one thing that is worth bragging about which is "LIVE IN GOD ALMIGHTY". SO BE GOOD TO YOUR FELLOW MAN AND ALWAYS MAKE FRIENDS. Always remember that the people you trampled upon on your way up a ladder will be the same set of people you're likely to pass on your way down, so cause no problem for others or make not life unbearable for another by virtue of your position, because if you do, they'll become your very problem one day. Finally, even banana stems will one day become dried leaves. Please don't be selfish, pass on to friends as we're all in one way or the other guilty.
If one day you feel like crying, call me. I don't promise to make you laugh but I can cry with you.
If one day you want to run away don't be afraid to call me. I promise to be there running beside you.
But, if one day you call me and there's no answer, come to me, perhaps I need you.

             * * ,,  * *
          *  I care for *
           *.    You   *
                "* ,, *"
One day, one of us will not be here and then it'll be too late to say I care. Tears may flow, but I will be long gone. So, forward to everyone you care for.

Poison for Husband

Last month my neighbour went to complain to her


*Daughter:* Mom, I can not stand my husband. I want to kill him but I don't have the courage to do it, Can you help me?please!

*Mother:* Yes my daughter, I can. But there is a small problem . You will be forced to make peace with him first so that none will suspect you for his death. You are going to be so much good and kind to him, take care of him.

Be romantic, grateful, patient, loving, submissive to him. See him as your kid not your mate or subject... be less selfish, more just, more listening to him, take all the rubbish from him, don't nag or criticize him.

My daughter, I know you can do it, so don't doubt yourself. Work starts this evening. Can you ?

*Daughter:*  Yes mom.

*Mother:* Ok, it's .... Well take this white powder which is the substance to kill him. Every day, you'll pour a bit in his food and he will die slowly.

*After 30 days, daughter returned to give feedback to her mother.*

*Daughter:* Mom, I really no longer want to kill my husband again. He is soo romantic, loving and caring person. Now I like him, he's changed and became softer than before. What can I do to prevent the poison?

*Mother:* Hahahahahaha

*Daughter:* Why are you laughing? Is it too late to save my husband's life?

*Mother:* No, my dear!. You don't have to worry. What I gave to you was cassava flour. He will not die.

In reality, it is in you that the poison was. When you fuel hatred and resentment in you, it kills slowly even more than a poison, so I have to work on you instead of your husband.

*Daughter:* Hmmmmmm. Thank you, sweetest mum.


*✍ T I P S*


☛Make yourself Happy and *make others around you happy.*

☛When you start to love and cherish your

husband, wife, brother, sister, son, daughter,

mother and father, *you will see the sweetness in them.*

☛Don't wait for the person to be sick or die before you accept, *cherish and celebrate people around you.*

☛Before you complain, *check up if the problem is actually from you*

☛Live *peacefully* with everyone.


It is in our power to bring out the best in our spouse and those close to us by giving them our best



Your Personal Security

The festive season is usually characterized by increased criminal activities. Please be guided by the following tips:

1.       Personal Security

*   Keep a low profile, blend in and be alert to developments in your environment.

* Avoid known crime-prone areas and black spots.

* Avoid routine pattern of movements and late night outings. The more predictable your movements and schedules are, to and from places of leisure, entertainment, worship, shopping, schooling, the easier it is for a kidnapper to plan and execute your abduction.

*  Avoid undue exposure, inclusive of your family members.

* Save emergency numbers on your phone with speed dial for easy call in an emergency.

* Regularly review your personal security, the security around your home, and your spouse’s business premises.

2. Financial Transactions

* Keep all information concerning financial transactions strictly confidential – do not discuss in the open.

* Avoid carrying large sums of cash, do not carry bags or packages that may attract criminals.

*  Avoid physical transactions that require large sums of cash – use cheques and electronic money transfers.

* Use ATMs only in safe and well lit places and not late at night.

3.  Travel Security

* Always pre-plan your journey and ensure the vehicle is in good working condition.

* Discuss travel plans only with immediate family members.

* Avoid night driving, make less use of high value cars that can easily mark you out as a potential target of criminals.

* Stick to major routes and avoid lonely routes with bad roads and poor visibility.

*  If you suspect a vehicle trailing you on the road, drive to the nearest Police station or public place where help is near.

* Do not give ride to strangers, including persons dressed in uniforms, as they may be criminals in disguise.

* Do not hitch-hike vehicles driven by strangers.

*  Be aware of techniques used by criminals to force unsuspecting victims to stop.

* Watch out for strange persons inside a car or hanging around your gate at your residence.

* Do not sit inside a parked car on a less busy road.

* Do not park your car in unlit areas.

Note: It is established that motorists are most vulnerable when:

* Waiting for the gate to be opened for them at residences.

* Driving through a terribly bad spot that requires slowing down completely with little chance of escape or when parked on a spot along a less busy road without alighting from the car.

4. Social Outings

* Always let close family members know of your movements.

* Avoid late outings unless it is absolutely necessary, even then, ensure you are accompanied.

* Always take your mobile phone with you, in the vent you need it to make emergency calls

*  Be aware of the risk posed by large gatherings, as they might constitute attractive targets for violent criminals and terrorists.

*  Counsel your children never to leave home without telling you, and to maintain communication with a parent or guardian.

Note: In the likely event that you are attacked, please remember the following:

*  The general rule is “NEVER” attempt to run.

* Do not resist or panic, just stay calm and cooperate

* Avoid eye-to-eye contact with the assailants, but respond to instructions and questions calmly.

* Do not make sudden movements without first seeking permission – e.g. unfastening your seat belt as they may misconstrue your intention.

* Implore them not to use their weapon as you would cooperate fully

If kidnapped:

* Focus your energy on survival, maintaining self respect and dignity.

* Inform them if you have any medical condition

* Request to speak with your relatives, close associates, and give them the facts unemotionally

* Do not attempt to call the Police when it is not safe to do so

Finally, please review the security tips and share with members of your household and practice security stand downs with them.

Great Quotes

I was raped at the age of 9 yet am one of the most influential women in the world" - *Oprah Winfrey!*

"I didn't even complete my university education but became the world richest man" - *Bill Gates!*

"I was sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my father as far back as I can remember until I left home at the age of eighteen yet I am one of the most influential preachers in d world" - *Joyce Meyer!*

"I struggled academically throughout elementary school yet became d best Neurosurgeons in d world in 1987" - *Dr. Ben Carson!*

"I told my father we would be very wealthy and rich but he couldn't believe me but today it's a reality" - *Christiano Ronaldo!*

"I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training and still became d world best footballer" - *Lionel Messi!*

"I used to sleep on the floor in friends' rooms, returning Coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple yet founded apple" - *Steve Jobs!*

"My teachers used to call me a failure yet I became a Prime Minister" - *PM Tony Blair!*

"I started Living Faith Church from A Lawn Tennis Court with three members only & Preach prosperity. Many of my friends criticised me, but today we have d largest church auditorium in d world & two world-class universities"- *Bishop David Oyedepo!*

"I was in prison for 27 years and still became president."- *Nelson Mandela!*

"I drove taxi to finance my university education but today I'm a billionaire" - *Mike Adenuga!*

_*Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.*

Don't wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams...

Never design your life like a Garden where
anyone can walk in and out......

Design it like the Sky where everyone aspires to

Aim high! Reach high!!!
Its your turn to make impact. Good morning.

Sunday 4 December 2016

What Does a Woman Really Want?

This is a very interesting story and a lesson for men.

(To men) Please take time to ponder. ��

(To women) Just enjoy the story. ��

Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighbouring kingdom.

The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death.

The question was:
*What do women really want?*

Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man. And to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end.

He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the princess, the priests, the wise men, and even the court jester. He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer.

Many people advised him to consult the old witch, for only she would have the answer. But the price would be high as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged.

The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question, but first he would have to agree to her price.

The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table, and Arthur's closest friend. Young Arthur was horrified.

She was hunch-backed and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc.

He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life. He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden.

But Lancelot, having learnt of the proposal, spoke with Arthur. He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life. And the reservation of the Round Table. Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch answered.

Arthur's question thus:
"What a woman really wants?"

She said, "A woman wants to be in charge of her own life."

Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth, and that Arthur's life would be spared. And so it was. The neighbouring monarch granted Arthur his freedom. And Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.

The honeymoon hour approached and, Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him.

The most beautiful woman he had ever seen was sitting by the bed.

The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened. The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth become her horrible and deformed self only half the time, and be the beautiful maiden the other half.

"Which would you prefer?" She asked him. "BEAUTIFUL during the DAY... OR at NIGHT?"

Lancelot pondered the predicament.

During the day, he could have a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch!


would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day? But by night a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous moments with?

(If you are a man reading this) What would YOUR choice be?

(If you are a woman reading this) What would YOUR MAN'S choice be?

And Lancelot's choice is given below...

BUT, please make YOUR choice first before you scroll down below!


Knowing the answer the witch gave to Arthur for his question, Sir Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself.

Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time, because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.

Now, what is the moral to this 

The moral is...

1. There is a 'witch' in every woman, no matter how beautiful she is. It's how a man manages it

2. If you let a woman decide on her own she gives u d best. but if u force her with ur decisions she becomes a witch.

What do you think ?

So, be careful how you treat a woman.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Love Indeed

A very poor man lived with his wife whose hair was very long. One day the wife asked her husband to buy her a comb for her long hair so that it can continue to grow well and to be well groomed.
The man felt sorry and said he didn't have money even to fix the strap of his watch which had just broken. The wife did not insist.
On his way to work that day the man passed by a watch shop, sold his damaged watch at a low price and went to buy a comb for his wife. He came back home in the evening with a comb in his hand ready to give to his wife. He was surprised to see his wife with very short hair. She had cut and sold her hair and bought a brand new watch for her husband.
Tears flowed simultaneously from their eyes, not for the futility of their actions, but for the reciprocity of their love. Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.
Give love and show love where it matters.  How great our world will be if only we, as couple,  friends,  colleagues,  neighbours etc.  outdo each other in love and sacrifice. How awesome it will be that we each wake up thinking of what to do to make each other happy..

Let's show love.

Integrity and Life

.....At the point of death, a man, Tom Smith, called his children and he advised them to follow his footsteps so that they can have peace of mind in all that they do..

His daughter, Sara, said,
"Daddy, its unfortunate you are dying without a penny in your bank..
Other fathers' that you tag as being corrupt, thieves of public funds left houses and properties for their children; even this house we live in is a rented apartment..
Sorry, I can't emulate you, just go, let's chart our own course..

Few moments later, their father gave up the spirit..

Three years later, Sara went for an interview in a multinational company..
At interview the Chairman of the committee asked,
"Which Smith are you..??"

Sara replied,
"I am Sara Smith. My Dad Tom Smith is now late.."

Chairman cuts in,
"O my God, you are Tom Smith's daughter..?"

He turned to the  other members and said,
"This Smith man was the one that signed my membership form into the Institute of Administrators and his recommendation earned me where I am today. He did all these free. I didn't even know his address, he never knew me. He just did it for me.."
He turned to Sara,
"I have no questions for you, consider yourself as having gotten this job, come tomorrow, your letter will be waiting for you.."

Sara Smith became the Corporate Affairs Manager of the company with two Cars with Drivers, A duplex attached to the office, and a salary of £1,000,000 per month excluding allowances and other costs..

After two years of working in the company, the MD of the company came from America to announce his intention to resign and needed a replacement. A personality with high integrity was sought after, again the company's Consultant nominated Sara Smith..

In an interview, she was asked the secret of her success,,

With tears, she replied, "My Daddy paved these ways for me. It was after he died that I knew that he was financially poor but stinkingly rich in integrity, discipline and honesty".

She was asked again, why she is weeping since she is no longer a kid as to miss her dad still after a long time..

She replied, "At the point of death, I insulted my dad for being an honest man of integrity. I hope he will forgive me in his grave now. I didn't work for all these, he did it for me to just walk in".

So, finally she was asked, "Will you follow your father's foot steps as he requested ?"

And her simple answer was, "l now adore the man, I have a big picture of him in my living room and at the entrance of my house. He deserves whatever I have after God".

Are you like Tom Smith..?
It pays to build a name, the reward doesn't come quickly but it will come however long it may take and it lasts longer..

Integrity, discipline, self control and fear of God makes a man wealthy, not the fat bank account..

Leave a good heritage for your children..

As an agent of CHANGE, please share this true life story with your loved ones..```

Thursday 1 December 2016


1. A first class degree won't make you a first class wife rather your submission and respect will.
2. The woman who respects her husband is the best wife anyone would ever have.
3. Your character and attitude will go a long way in determining if your husband will wish he never Regret getting married to you..
4. To be a great wife, you need more anger management skills than nagging skills.
5. Be a leader at work, or anywhere else but be a companion at home.. It's wisdom!
6. Don't compete with your husband; compliment him.
7. Your strength is in humility and submission, not in strife and contention.
8. Be tender, every man respects a tender woman but firm.
9. Never try to punish your husband by starving him of food or Sex, he maybe forced to get it outside.
10. There is nothing wrong in accepting that you are wrong when you are wrong.
11. Prepare to forgive your husband if he wrongs you.. For a forgiving wife is better than a vengeful one.
12. Make a decision to be a good wife, you will need it in the long run..

God Bless the Women!.


Mummy boy, you are now a man. Tomorrow
you will have a new mother, a new cook and a new person to share all your secrets with. It will no longer be me but her. Love your new mum even more than you love me. Before you walk
into her arms forever, let me give you some
words to guide you.
There was a day I was arguing with your father.
We were screaming, Tempers were high. I was angry and He was angry. Then I called him an idiot! He was shocked, He looked at me asking how dare I call him that, Immediately started
calling him idiot, fool, stupid, crazy, I called him all sort of name. Guess what he did? He didn’t raise his hands to hit me. He just walked away,banging the door as he went out.
My Son, If your father had hit me and destroyed my eyes, how will you feel sitting here with me
today? How will you regard him as your father?
Would you have been proud of him or would
you be blaming me for calling him names?
Never hit your wife! No matter the provocation
just walk away and things will be normal.
Whenever she offends you, think of this story I just told you, it could have been your mum!
Before I forget, after he left, I was filled with
guilt. We slept on same bed that night and I went to him the next day. I pleaded with him, I did all I could to show am sorry and he forgave
me. That day I cooked his favourite food, yes
you know he loves Pounded yam & Vegetable soup right? After that day, I never called him names, my respect for him was ten times stronger.
There is something very important you must always do, my son listen very carefully, defend
your wife. When she is under pressure, stand by her. If your friends hates her, it is your duty to make them see her as a Queen. Your Uncle, I mean Uncle Yusuf, never liked me. But Ur father was always supportive until his perception
There was a day your Father was going to host the owner of his company and friends. They were three of them. That day I was in the kitchen cooking for them and your father went to buy drinks. When the table was set and food was served. Everyone started eating. Then I
remembered I did not add salt in the food. I
was embarrassed. Your father tasted the food and looked at me. He immediately turned to the guests. He told them that he instructed his wife
last month not to add salt whenever she is
cooking because of some problem with his body.
He said it in a funny way and everyone laughed!
The guests understood and he asked me to bring salt and everyone added according to their
taste. He managed to eat the food without salt.
After the guest left, he went on his knees and
asked God to forgive him for lying.
Your wife is like a baby, sometimes she doesn't know what to say or do. Stand up and speak for her!
Now let me talk to you about Sex. You see Sex is a wonderful thing. Do not be surprised if your
wife enjoy and need Sex more than you do.
There were days, I needed Sex more than your father and there were days he needed it more than me but the important thing is to always try to satisfy the other when they need you. Don’t
always think of your self.
There was a time things were hard and I
needed to do two jobs to support your father.
One night I was so tired. When I got to bed he was in the mood. He tried to make love to me
and I didn’t refuse him. I was tired but I felt I needed to be there when he needed me. When he tried undressing me, he saw my looks and he
stopped. He asked what was wrong and I said nothing. But he understood me better. He stopped and then started telling me stories until I fell asleep.
My son, Sex is best enjoyed when the two
parties are physically and mentally ready for it.
Sometimes, read your wife and understand her.
Make it a habit to go anywhere with your wife.
Beside your job, move around with her. If
anyone invites you to his house and told you not to come with your wife then be very careful.
Use wisdom.
I know you love mummy… I know you tell me all your problems.
But now things will be different.
Let your wife be the first to know before me.
Let her be the first to see before me.
When you have problems with her don’t run to me immediately. Wait for a day to pass and
then talk to her about it. Pray about it. Report her to nobody but talk issues out within yourself.
Finally, don’t forget to come and visit me with
your wife every month!
I know you will have a happy home. You will
always be mummy’s boy. God will bless your home. Pls don't forget God, pray & seek His assistance always..

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Salary Visionaries

The poorest group of people in the world are Salary earners. They live in a vicious cycle of poverty. Referring to them as servants of civil which made them  uncivilized. They categorized them as common men, tax payers and middle class citizens. If you ask who are highest class citizens, you will hear people who create wealth with their ideas. People who are Entrepreneurs in making and people with wisdom to create and innovate. (nothing to something).

Salary is continuously being awaited every month ending and any slight delay brings about heartbreaking anxiety and disappointment. Family become worried. Mind set to chaos and relatively angry. But when the salary finally arrived, we end up paying unexpected debts. The lack of financial management only set in the philosophy of salary earners.

Salary alone cannot solve your money problems. You need a Secondary Source of income to balance. Applying a sense of creativity, ideas and personal as well as investment management is the key to today modern world success.

Salary is the MEDICINE for managing POVERTY, it doesn't CURE it. Only your BUSINESS or INVESTMENT Cures Poverty. It sometimes affect the mind and made you lazy, kill the immune of commitments and endurances. Destroy the Mindsets of goals and ideas. It affect your performances and weakens your thoughtfulness, it makes you dream big without proper planing.

Salary earners always look more worried and afraid of being poor. They are mostly the stingy ones and  probably the complained colleagues. They see wealth only when they wait for it, but they know nothing about creating wealth. They discuss more about richest men and women but failed to figure out how they arrived to that destinations.

Salary visionaries are the worst hit of economic problems in every nation of the world. They are the ones who government always lied to about the global hit of economic recession because they allow their brain to be held in recession. They are those who after 60 years for national services wait for government to give them some changes before carter for their families. If not likely become beggars waiting for pensions and gratuity.

You will only be respected and consider rich among your folks only when you are earning that salary, after your retirement, you will be seen as an agents of disturbances. Those folks that surrounded you when you have and now you have not will be calling you hopeless man.

I therefore urge our youths who scavenge for white collar jobs for Salary to be  FINANCIALLY INTELLIGENT and delve into entrepreneurship because Salary is a lifetime disappointment and visionless opportunity of wealth and happiness that will never come to fruition.

That's my definition of Salary Visionaries youths who fail to use ideas and potentiality in life to be productive. 

I rather create wealth than waiting for wealth. I rather create jobs than waiting for jobs.

This is not a challenge, this is a test and also a kindly advice from brother to brothers.